
capaNCDT 61x4



capaNCDT DT61x4 是主動式的電容式感測器用於位移、距離,與位置的量測。感測器探頭內透過嵌入式的訊號放大器,整合堅固的線纜與精巧的控制器,可直接在不需額外現場校正的情形下實現工業級的量測。此系列量測系統可以使線長延長至15米。因此,capaNCDT 61x4 特別適用於自動機械手臂與托鏈的應用。



  1. 量測行程 (mm): 2
  2. 線性度 max. 2 µm
  3. 解析度 max. 0.3 µm
  4. 類比或RS485數位輸出
  5. 長距離訊號傳輸可達15米
  6. 堅固的線纜設計可用於機械手臂與托鏈
  7. 簡易與高自由度的線纜整合性
  8. 即使在線纜拖拉的過程也能有高穩定性的量測數值
Luigi Yang
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Robust cables for robots and drag chains

Offering high flexibility and lengths up to 15 m, the robust capaNCDT 61x4 cables are ideally suited to measurement tasks on robots and in automation technology.


Compact and robust flat sensor

The active flat sensor is designed with a stainless steel housing and a ceramic sensor element. The cable integrated on the sensor side provides considerable advantages: it significantly reduces the required installation space while increasing the mechanical stability of the sensor.

The capacitive capaNCDT 6114 measuring system offers high application versatility due to its long signal transmission path. With a robust and up to 15 m long cable, the system is ideally suited to drag chains and robots. Even with movements of the sensor cable, precise measurement results are achieved with the highest signal stability. The capaNCDT 6114 provides an analog output of 0 ... 10V.

The capacitive capaNCDT 6124 measuring system offers high application versatility due to its long signal transmission path. With a robust and up to 15 m long cable, the system is ideally suited to drag chains and robots. Even with movements of the sensor cable, precise measurement results are achieved with the highest signal stability. The capaNCDT 6124 measuring system provides an analog output via a digital RS485 interface.

Interface and signal processing units