Color sensors and LED Analyzers

Precise inline color measurement

Color sensors from Micro-Epsilon measure color values, intensity and functions in a wide range of applications.

The colorSENSOR CFO is a new controller for precise color recognition in industrial measurement tasks. The CFO series is distinguished by high color accuracy, state-of-the-art interfaces and intuitive operation. The controller is connected to CFS sensors with integrated optical fibers, which can be adapted for different measurement tasks. The colorSENSOR CFO is used in color recognition tasks on interior parts such as head supports, in packaging control or in color sorting tasks with crown caps, closures or labels.

colorCONTROL ACS7000 is one of the most advanced inline color measuring systems in the world. Unlike conventional technologies, this system recognizes colors not just by comparing them to reference values, but also by using the reflection spectrum to ensure unique identification. Due to its very high measurement speed, the colorCONTROL ACS7000 is suitable for applications where colors and shades have to be examined on-the-fly and to very high accuracies. Due to the extremely high measurement accuracy, the system is also applied in laboratories, e.g. in industrial Research and Development. Different sensor models are available to suit various measurement tasks.

The colorCONTROL MFA is used for flexible color inspections and intensity testing of LEDs, displays and colored objects. The flexible positioning of the sensors in relation to the objects, as well as their high repeatability, measuring rates and dynamics are particularly favorable. One colorCONTROL MFA monitors up to 28 test objects simultaneously.

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