Industrial draw-wire sensors
P-series draw-wire sensors are designed for industrial measurement tasks. A compact and robust aluminum housing protects the sensor from mechanical influences. As well as analog versions with potentiometer, current or voltage output, digital versions with incremental or absolute encoders are available, providing measuring ranges up to 50 m.
- Data sheet wireSENSOR P60 (pdf, 2.25 MB)
- Operating instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 / P96 / P115 / P200 (pdf, 1.78 MB)
- Operating Instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 / P96 / P115 / P200 (new encoder) (pdf, 2.19 MB)
- Assembly Instructions wireSENSOR P60 (pdf, 404.40 KB)
- Assembly Instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 (new encoder) (pdf, 567.32 KB)
- CAD file 3D-model "wireSENSOR P60/P96" analog, STEP (zip, 1.19 MB)
- CAD file 3D-model "wireSENSOR accessories", STEP (zip, 112.92 KB)
- Data sheet wireSENSOR P60 (pdf, 2.25 MB)
- Operating instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 / P96 / P115 / P200 (pdf, 1.78 MB)
- Operating Instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 / P96 / P115 / P200 (new encoder) (pdf, 2.19 MB)
- Assembly Instructions wireSENSOR P60 (pdf, 404.40 KB)
- Assembly Instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 (new encoder) (pdf, 567.32 KB)
- CAD file 3D-model "wireSENSOR P60/P96" digital, STEP (zip, 10.70 MB)
- CAD file 3D-model "wireSENSOR accessories", STEP (zip, 112.92 KB)
- Data sheet wireSENSOR P96 (pdf, 2.25 MB)
- Operating instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 / P96 / P115 / P200 (pdf, 1.78 MB)
- Operating Instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 / P96 / P115 / P200 (new encoder) (pdf, 2.19 MB)
- Assembly Instructions wireSENSOR P96 (pdf, 394.27 KB)
- Assembly Instructions wireSENSOR WDS P96 (new encoder) (pdf, 556.53 KB)
- CAD file 3D-model "wireSENSOR P60/P96" analog, STEP (zip, 1.19 MB)
- CAD file 3D-model "wireSENSOR accessories", STEP (zip, 112.92 KB)
P115 analog draw-wire sensors can be used universally. Numerous options enable a suitable sensor to be selected for almost any application. The analog series is extremely compact and offers many different measuring ranges. This model series impresses by its favorable price-performance ratio and solid technology.
- Data sheet wireSENSOR P115 (pdf, 2.26 MB)
- Operating instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 / P96 / P115 / P200 (pdf, 1.78 MB)
- Operating Instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 / P96 / P115 / P200 (new encoder) (pdf, 2.19 MB)
- Assembly Instructions wireSENSOR P115 (pdf, 399.14 KB)
- Assembly Instructions wireSENSOR WDS P115 (new encoder) (pdf, 572.12 KB)
- CAD file 3D-model "wireSENSOR P115" digital, STEP (zip, 1.61 MB)
- CAD file 3D-model "wireSENSOR accessories", STEP (zip, 112.92 KB)
P115 digital draw-wire sensors can be used universally. Numerous options enable a suitable sensor to be selected for almost any application. The digital version with absolute or incremental encoder allows multiple applications. This model series impresses by its favorable price-performance ratio and solid technology.
- Data sheet wireSENSOR P115 (pdf, 2.26 MB)
- Operating instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 / P96 / P115 / P200 (pdf, 1.78 MB)
- Operating Instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 / P96 / P115 / P200 (new encoder) (pdf, 2.19 MB)
- Assembly Instructions wireSENSOR P115 (pdf, 399.14 KB)
- Assembly Instructions wireSENSOR WDS P115 (new encoder) (pdf, 572.12 KB)
- CAD file 3D-model "wireSENSOR P115" digital, STEP (zip, 17.66 MB)
- CAD file 3D-model "wireSENSOR accessories", STEP (zip, 112.92 KB)
P200 draw-wire sensors are specially designed for industrial applications in lift engineering, crane systems, forklift trucks and high bay warehouses. The rugged housing and solid, high quality components ensure high operational reliability and a long service life even in harsh industrial environments.
- Data sheet wireSENSOR P200 (pdf, 2.11 MB)
- Operating Instructions wireSENSOR take up spool (Z60 / P96 / P115 / P200) (pdf, 1.47 MB)
- Operating Instructions wireSENSOR WDS P60 / P96 / P115 / P200 (new encoder) (pdf, 2.19 MB)
- Assembly Instructions draw wire sensor take up spools (pdf, 948.91 KB)
- Assembly Instructions wireSENSOR WDS P200 (new encoder) (pdf, 447.86 KB)
- CAD file 3D-model "wireSENSOR P200", STEP (zip, 14.97 MB)
- CAD file 3D-model "wireSENSOR accessories", STEP (zip, 112.92 KB)