
optoNCDT 1710/1910/2310

Long-range sensors
Large offset distance
Small measuring range

The optoNCDT 1910 laser sensor offers measuring ranges of 500 mm and 750 mm and is therefore designed for applications where a large measuring range or measurement distance is required. A high measuring rate up to 9.5 KHz and the intelligent exposure control ensure fast and reliable results in dynamic industrial applications. The small housing with integrated controller saves space during machine integration and can be operated at ambient temperatures of up to 200 °C with an optionally available cooling housing.


  1. Measuring ranges (mm): 500 | 750

  2. Linearity from 350 µm

  3. Adjustable measuring rate up to 9.5 kHz

  4. Analog and digital outputs

  5. Compact design with integrated controller

  6. Real-time adaptation to changing surfaces (Advanced Surface Compensation)

  7. Predefined and individual presets in the web interface

optoNCDT 1760-1000 長距離雷射感測器的測量範圍為 1000 毫米,專為需要高測量距離的應用而設計。此感測器具有即時表面補償功能,可在曝光過程中即時確定和控制目標的反射率。這樣就能在不斷變化的表面上進行可靠的測量。


  1. 測量範圍 1000 mm

  2. 重複精度 100 µm

  3. 可調取樣速度最快達 7.5 kHz

  4. 類比與數位輸出

  5. 尺寸小巧的整合式控制器

  6. 易於操作的web介面

  7. web介面可調整個人化參數設定

optoNCDT 1710 和 2310 長距離雷射感測器專為需要長測量距離的應用而設計。不過,由於測量範圍相對較小,因此可以在較遠的距離上進行極為精確的測量。


  1. optoNCDT 1710 測量範圍 50 mm

  2. optoNCDT 2310 測量範圍 10 | 20 | 40 | 50 mm

  3. 線性度從 3 µm

  4. 解析度 0.5 µm

  5. 大補償距離下的小量測範圍

  6. 高量測速度與解析度

  7. 快速變化表面的高適應性

  8. 高溫與快速移動件的距離量測

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